Log in to your WebsiteSpot account and click DNS next to the domain you want to connect.
Configure the DNS records for the root domain
1) Look over the existing Type "A" records.
2) If an "A" record exists where "Name" is set to "@", click on the pen icon to edit it and enter "" under "Points To".
3) If such a record doesn't exist, click on "ADD" at the bottom of the Records list.
4) From the Record Type list, select "A". Fill in the following fields: "Host" to "@", "Points To" to "", "TTL" to "Custom" and "Seconds" to "600".
5) If a “TXT” record exists, under “TXT Value” enter "mtmarketplace.azurewebsites.net".
6) If such a record doesn’t exist, click “Add" at the bottom of the Records list. From the Record Type list, select "TXT". Fill in the following fields: "Host" to "@", "TXT Value" to "mtmarketplace.azurewebsites.net" and you can leave "TTL" to "1 Hour".
7) If a “CNAME” record exists, under “Host” enter "www" and under "Point to" enter "mtmarketplace.azurewebsites.net". If such a record doesn’t exist, click “Add" at the bottom of the Records list.
8) From the Record Type list, select "CNAME". Fill in the following fields: "Host" to "www", "Points to" to "mtmarketplace.azurewebsites.net" and you can leave "TTL" to "1 Hour".
9) Make sure that all changes have been saved.
Great job! You're ready to move onto step 2 in the Domain Connection Process. Click here and scroll down to step 2 - Generate a CSR & PFX or P12.
If you have questions regarding your WebsiteSpot account, please contact WebsiteSpot Support.
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